Originally written sometime in Jan 2010
“Hey dude! Wanna light up?” “Sure. Why the hell not?” – A general conversation starter at the IIT Bombay fest. It’s sad ;but true. Colleges these days frown on drinking but turn a blind eye to smoking.
Let’s face it. Smoking kills. But you already know that, don’t you? You don’t need me to tell you this. You’ve probably read about it in the newspaper—MAN DIES OF CANCER. Probable cause- smoking.
Everybody knows that smoking can cause cancer. More often than not ;Cancer is fatal. Two basic, simple facts that we all know. But do we all understand them? I doubt it .If we did, wouldn’t smoking be illegal?
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not blaming or criticizing smokers. I do however, blame the tobacco companies . Tobacco companies are famous for their insidious marketing techniques. More than 200,000 adolescents are lured into smoking because of these advertisements. These companies aren’t allowed to advertise on television, so they put up huge billboards that catch everyone’s eyes. They hire glamorous models to market their products as hip and trendy. Department stores have cigarette packets at the shopper’s eye level hoping to increase sales. And you know what? These methods actually work. The number of smokers is rising day by day.
You may ask why I bother so much. Why do I even give a damn? Recent studies show that passive smokers have a high chance of contracting cancer as well. So excuse me if I’m not comfortable having people all around me smoking, knowing that I too could suffer because of their actions.
I think the media deserves it’s fair share of the blame too. Some sleazy rag gets a picture of a famous actor taking a few puffs from a ‘harmless’ cigarette. And before you know it, young kids are following suit.
Why is smoking even allowed? Is it because freedom of speech is an ideal worth a person dying every six seconds? I’m not sure myself. Tobacco companies talk of having a conscience and doing their best to protect the sanctity of human life. How can they claim to do so when their own products are killing their customers.
I can’t tell you not to smoke. I can’t decide your future for you. I could tell you of the ill effects of smoking; But let’s face it. You probably knew that before you took your first puff. I will tell you this. If I could choose how I would die, I’d rather it not be the five rupee cigarette bought at some roadside stand.
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