Originally written sometime in September 2009
It was dark all around. All the light around Him had disappeared. He knew that his time was short.
He could see that he was alone. And yet for some strange reason ,he knew that he wasn’t. Death loomed above him like a dark cloud and would at any time swoop down upon him. He had resigned himself to his fate. He would die. His mind was plagued with fear and doubt.
He only wished that he had a little longer. A short period in which he would be able to bid farewell to the ones he loved most. For whom he would readily do anything for….He knew that they had been there by his side during his illness. They had spent countless hours holding his hand watching as helpless as he fought a losing battle against the virus that plagued his body.
And then it struck him. His life was incomplete without them .And for them, he would live through the pain. He would survive, if not for himself, then for the ones who mattered most to him. And with that thought came courage. Death would not be able to take him so easily. He would fight Death, and win the battle for now. He would live to see the joy on their faces.
He knew that all he had to do was open his eyes, And the fear and doubt would fade to black .
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