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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Something Stupid

Originally written sometime in Jan 2009

Everbody is born stupid.Some abuse that right.

Everyone's heard ofthis one.Its one of the most famous of Murphy's Laws.But the question is, whydo so many people want to abuse the god given gift of stupidity? Why cant we all stay stupid??? Why is there a so called fire burning within us that makes us want to be smarter? Ignorance and stupidity are such natural traits; why dont we want ignorant. Ignorance is after all bliss, isn't it.If the aim of human life is eternal bliss, then reaching this state is pretty simple.Just sit down and do nothing.But as it turns out,that's just too easy for such great souls such as yourselves. Instead of just trying to remain stupid and ignorant, many go about trying to learn more and more so that they may some day become enlightened souls which will,in turn , make them happy.Why put ourselves through so much trouble to achieve what has already been given to us??A state of mind in which we perceive only happiness. Isnt that what stupid,ignorant people acheive without any strain to their brains??

Accept it; if we had all been stupid, the world would have been a better place. We'd still be what today's "intellectuals" call sapiens,hunting down sabre tooth tigers and wild mammoths.We'd live in caves and sleep around a camp fire.We'd only have one responsibility and that would be to feed ourselves and our families.We'd live in a pollution free atmosphere and we'd all be "Kings" of our own domains.What a life!!!! Today people actually pay good money to go on safaris and wildlife tours so that they can experience such trills.

But instead today,we're all part of one big system.Each one of us has a specific role to perform.And the ones who run the system are the rich businessmen who abused their right to stupidity and decide to take control of the whole human race.
Look at the life we live today.There's corruption in almost every walk of life,terror attacks take place almost everyday,Countries form and break alliances everyday.The stock market crashes and people go bankrupt.Suicide rates keep rising.Why do we have to suffer like this?Turns out that the root cause to all our problems is that some people are smarter than others and decide to take advantage of it.

The only way to solve this problem is to convince people to remain stupid.So to all those reading this, id like you to take an oath to remain STUPID and pass on this message to the future generations.